Mining Equipment, Spare Parts, Products and Services

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Mining Lamps

3A lamp Company specialized in miner's lamps with led technology and chargers. All the products are unique design, high technology...

MT Iluminación Minera

Everything for Mining Lighting

Brand distributors: Wisdom, Olight, Wuben, MT intrinsically safe lamps Distributors of: * MT Brand Mining Lamps * MSHA certified lamps...

Importaciones y Equipos Mineros

Mining Lamps, Radiocommunications, Mine Personnel Tracking

POLARIS PLUS DUAL BEAM The brightest and most versatile helmet lamp in the world. Lux output:10,000-15,000*Lux * Turbo dynamic mode...
* Private LTE Networks. * Location and Tracking of Personnel/Equipment. * LED-IP Lighting for Mining. * Responsible Ventilation. * Last...
Grupo TEPSA 45 years of Innovation and Leadership in the Electrical Sector This year, Grupo TEPSA proudly celebrates its 45th...
Control and distribution of cables, lighting accessories, electrical appliances, channeling, cable accessories and medium and high voltage equipment. Residential and...

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