Mining Equipment, Spare Parts, Products and Services

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STPS health and safety regulations CONOCER competency standards, EC0217.01, EC0391.01, EC0397.01, EC0680 Regulatory studies before the EMA Sale and maintenance...

PEMSA - Proyectos y Evaluaciones de México

Certification of Cranes and all types of Machinery

Specialists in CRANE CERTIFICATION and all types of HEAVY and INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY * Courses and certification of operators * RENTAL...
IDEAS, S.A. of C.V.Research and Development of Aquifers and Environment.Consulting hydrogeologists.302 groundwater, surface and environmental water projects in 15 years...

Flyt Mex

Flight School

Flight school * Courses Professional services of: * Sale and maintenance of RPAS, UAV and UAS * Procedures and management...

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