Mining Equipment, Spare Parts, Products and Services

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Experience, Knowledge and Passion for Mining. Diamond Drilling - Inside Mine and Surface. 5,000,000 safe meters PERFORATED 60 BDD teams...

Grupo México Infraestructura

Consulting, Engineering, Construction, Construction Control

ENGINEERING * 25 years of experience in the development of national and international projects in Mexico, Peru, the United States...

Char-Low Machinery

Project Management, Construction Control, Software

We are dedicated to: Administration and Systematization of Expenses in Assets and Machinery in Mexico, Latin America and Spanish-speaking countries....

PM Ingeniería y Construcción - PMICSA

Project Management, Engineering and Construction

Project management Engineering and Construction Procurement and Supply * Project Services * Structural engineering * Civil Engineering * Architecture *...
Topography Geodesy Photogrammetry bathymetry Urban Cadastre boundaries Work supervision Comprehensive executive project: subdivisions, roads. Equipment: total station, gps rtk, echosounder,...

Char-Low Machinery

Software, Project Management

Using software to control and manage costs in machinery will help convert an inventory of assets into an independent business...

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